Charline von Heyl

Paintings 1990-2010, Le Consortium, 2009

Publisher: Les presses du réel

ISBN: 978-2-84066-417-8

Dimensions: 20 x 26 cm

Pages: 272

This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Charline von Heyl: Le jour de boire est arrivé, at the Le Consortium, Contemporary Art Center, Dijon, 14 March - 31 May 2009

With the support of Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York and Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne

The catalogue contains the following essays:
"The Chocolate Grinder" by Franck Gautherot
"Piece by Piece" by Mark von Schlegell
"Matter - Sing - Stimulus" by Diedrich Diederichsen
"The Not. The Eye. The Trick" by Allison Katz