Monica Bonvicini

I do You, Neue Nationalgalerie, 2023

Publisher: DISTANZ Verlag GmbH

ISBN: 978-3-95476-506-5

Pages: 176

In 2022/23, the Neue Nationalgalerie dedicated a solo exhibition to the artist in the glass hall of Mies van der Rohe's iconic museum building. Bonvicini fundamentally transforms the exhibition space with a major architectural intervention in line with the feminist tradition of appropriation. Through her playful irony and multiple historical, political, and social references, the artist opens up a new experience of the building.


The exhibition publication includes installation views and illustrations of works, an introduction by the curators Irina Hiebert Grun and Joachim Jäger as well as essays by David Adjaye, Diedrich Diederichsen, and Dario Gamboni.