Maria Lassnig

Body - Fiction - Nature, 2005
Publisher: Edition Sammlung Essl

ISBN: 3-902001-21-6

This catalog is published on the occasion of the exhibition Maria Lassnig: body. fiction. nature at Sammlung Essl Kunst der Gegenwart, April 20 - August 28, 2005

Texts: "Images that Invite Contemplation: Oil paintings and works on paper by Maria Lassnig at The Essl Collection" by Christine Humpl
"Country People" by Maria Lassnig
"Colour Sensations: On Bodily Self Awareness as Image in the Painting of Maria Lassnig" by Sybille-Karin Moser
"Cantata" by Maria Lassnig
"An Inhabited Body Shell: Maria Lassnig's work against the backdrop of post-modern body discourse" by Silke Andrea Schuemmer
"Venice Biennial, 1980" by Werner Hofmann