Maria Lassnig

The Future Is Invented with Fragments from the Past, 2017
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne

ISBN: 978-3-96098-124-4

This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition Maria Lassnig: The Future is Invented with Fragments from the Past, Municipal Gallery of Athens
April 7 - July 16, 2017

Preface by George Kaminis, Mayor of Athens
Foreward by Peter Pakesch, Maria Lassnig Foundation
"The Myth of Crete" by Maria Lassnig
"The Future is Invented with Fragments from the Past" by Hans Ulrich Obrist
"Dear Maria Lassnig" by Amy Sillman
"Taking the Bull by the Horns" by Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat
"Lassnig in Athens" by Ingrid Rowland
"Exposed To The Sun At A Prohibited Hour On A Beach, Midday" by Elisabeth Schlebrügge
"Maria Lassnig: Self-Portraiture as the Art of Taking the Bull by the Horns" by Denys Zacharopoulos