Maria Lassnig

'Moränen neben den Gletscherzungen der Geschehnisse Maria Lassnig und die Literatur', Literaturhaus Wien
September 14, 2024 - January 30, 2025

Maria Lassnig (1919-2014) created a comprehensive and profound oeuvre in the fields of painting and graphics. Her work is characterized above all by the term "body awareness": Lassnig sensed her physical sensations and expressed them using artistic media.


While Maria Lassnig's visual work has now achieved international fame, her extensive written legacy is largely unknown. This includes numerous texts that have accompanied Lassnig's visual work from the beginning and are of independent literary quality. In 1999, Lassnig commented on her texts in one of her countless notebooks: "Writing down memories would be a task. These notes here are born existentially. [...] My little pieces of wisdom that accumulate like moraines next to the glacier tongues of events."


The exhibition is a cooperation project between the Maria Lassnig Foundation and the Literaturhaus Wien and uses the archive as a starting point to shed light on the diverse aesthetic and personal exchange processes between Lassnig and literature. For the first time, numerous objects are being shown that demonstrate Lassnig's diverse literary contacts and document that she was more at the interface with literature than other visual artists.


Opening: Thursday, 12 September 2024, 7 p.m.

Special tour: Saturday, 14 September 2024, 3.30 p.m.

Opening hours September: Mon–Wed: 09.00–17.00
Opening hours October to January: Mon–Thur: 09.00–17.00


For more information, click here

September 3, 2024
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