Thomas Eggerer, Zoe Leonard

'FÜR ALLE! DEMOKRATIE NEU GESTALTEN', Bundeskunsthalle / Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn
May 30 - October 13, 2024

Does democracy need an update? Have we relied for too long on the fact that nothing can shake our democracy? The thing with democracy is this: it only exists if we continually work on it. In a world that changes daily, she needs to be constantly kept fit. So it's time to strengthen our democratic muscles!


All aspects of democracy are designed, so we can design them differently. This doesn't just apply to ballot papers or posters. It applies above all to the system itself: Who will represent the people? What role do parties play? And who can vote and have a say? Everything that defines Western-style democracy is currently being put to the test: Does it actually keep what it promises? Is “for everyone” really for everyone? And what would happen if elections were not the sole heart of democracy?


The exhibition For everyone! Reshaping Democracy is a call for active participation – in the exhibition as well as in democracy itself. It's about sharing in power. In fact, a more direct form of democratic participation is already being tested in various places. The Bundestag, for example, has set up a Council for Nutrition, Belgium has a permanent citizens' parliament, and numerous cities allow their citizens to have a direct say on various issues. As part of the exhibition, the Bundeskunsthalle also convened such a council: The Social Forum, consisting of 35 randomly elected citizens, was set up to participate in the democratization and opening of the house.


The exhibition will also create a “gym” in which we can all exercise our democratic muscles: visitors will feel first-hand what it means to be empathetic, to demonstrate perseverance or to negotiate compromises. Furthermore, lit for everyone! Reshaping democracy reflects the current social desire for more participation, as well as traditional forms of democracy. How has democracy been fought so far, for equal rights and freedom? In addition to art and design, evidence from political cultural history, architecture, film and photography will be on display.


For more information, click here.

May 14, 2024
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