Monika Sosnowska

EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art
March 6, 2024 - December 15, 2024

Monika Sosnowska is a Polish sculptor known for her architectural interventions that endow space with new meanings. Her forthcoming exhibition at EMMA will present six large-scale sculptures that enter a dialogue with the exhibition space. Sosnowska uses recognizable building materials such as steel beams, concrete and rebar, transforming familiar items into something new and surprising by modifying or distorting their conventional function. Sosnowska’s sculptural idiom is visibly influenced by various modernist movements such as constructivism, minimalism, and conceptual art.


The centerpieces of the exhibition will be Handrail (2016/2024), an artwork specially adapted to EMMA’s gallery space and Pipe (2020), which unfurls to a length of ten metres. The exhibition will also include two new sculptures created specifically for this exhibition. The sculptural ensemble invites visitors to view the architecture and history of the Exhibition Centre WeeGee from a fresh perspective.


Monika Sosnowska (b. 1972) is an internationally acclaimed artist whose most famous works have featured at venues including the 50th and 52nd Venice Biennale and New York’s MoMa in 2006.


Sosnowska’s debut at EMMA will coincide with Experiments in Concretism, an exhibition that takes a fresh look at the legacy of concretism and its contemporary interpretations. The two exhibitions engage in an intriguing dialogue with one another. Sosnowska’s works will be on display in the EMMA Arena, an exhibition space designed for new, experimental art.


For more information, please click here.

February 21, 2024
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